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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

One of the most painful things in life, is watching the one you love, fall in love with someone else.

©opyrighted, i wished =p
6:54 PM

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

What would you do if i disappeared one day?

©opyrighted, i wished =p
5:17 PM

Thursday, April 26, 2018

After so long i finally understand. My life isn't a contradiction, but is a mirror. I need someone who needs me, wants someone who wants me, to love and be loved. Yet i have grown accustomed to being alone, have no need of family or friends. Instinctively i will distance myself from those who do not need me, for if you do not remember me in your time of need, surely you will forget me in you time of happiness.

The answer was so simple afterall, i'm binary. It's all or nothing.

©opyrighted, i wished =p
10:57 PM

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


©opyrighted, i wished =p
10:24 PM

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing and text

How easily someone you trust with your life can become someone you dread to even meet. For each time your eyes meet you heart reaches out and yet your brain tugs it back in place. We all live on the sea of time, for those we let go will slowly drift on different paths.

©opyrighted, i wished =p
7:26 PM

Thursday, October 26, 2017

To you who may never know, thank you for giving me a reason to live on. Though i may never get a chance to confess, but i have indeed fallen for you. Happy Birthday to you and thank you for being born into this world. Wishing you happiness, health, and may your wishes come true.

©opyrighted, i wished =p
12:20 AM

Thursday, September 14, 2017

It's all a lie.

No one can be relied on, even yourself.

One day, I will end this world.

©opyrighted, i wished =p
6:22 PM

Thursday, September 7, 2017

你不是真正的快乐 你的笑只是你穿的保护色
你决定不爱了 也决定不
把你的灵魂 关在永远 锁上的躯壳

©opyrighted, i wished =p
7:26 PM

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Two weeks ago on this day, i let down my pride and found a glimmer of light.

Today the darkness has once again caught me, and i shall take one last step. When my deepest secret is revealed, will there be light, or will i finally drown after this long struggle?

No one knows, i'm scared yet excited, for no matter what it may be, this will be end of something.

©opyrighted, i wished =p
10:19 PM

Friday, August 7, 2015

When i was young and stupid, i once owed a friend $36 due to losing a bet, and then avoided him because i felt that he cheated and i should not repay that.

But a debt is still a debt, and till this day it has haunted me and cursed me.

For now, whenever someone close to me borrows things of significant value from me, they always fail to return it, and would avoid me no matter how lenient or patient i am.

Just as i have forsaken a friendship over $36, now others forsake their friendship with me over things that are easily replaceable. Perhaps this is the truth of my world, perhaps i shall be betrayed by whosoever i trust, perhaps i shall never trust again.

The empty sky is vast, beautiful, and lonely. For i am the sky, and such is my fate.

©opyrighted, i wished =p
4:36 PM